Earn 5.00% APY* with our 5-month CD Special!

Are you ready to boost your savings? Discover the ideal opportunity with Town & Country's exclusive 5-month CD special. Hurry, this special offer is available for a limited time only! Opening a CD requires a minimum deposit of $500. This offer starts on August 1, 2024. 

You can swing by any Town & Country Credit Union location or complete an online application to open your 5-month CD and kickstart your journey to earning more.

In search of a savings plan that better suits your needs? Explore our current deposit rates to find the best one for you and your financial goals.

Do you have questions or need more guidance? Call 800-872-6358 to speak with a local expert who is ready to help.

Don't miss out on the chance to boost your savings – seize this opportunity and open your 5-month CD with Town & Country today! 

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. $500 minimum. Rate accurate as of 8/1/24. A penalty fee is charged for early withdrawal. Rate bumps are not available with this offer. Automatically renews at maturity to a 6-month CD at the current rate, with a ten calendar day grace period. Insured by NCUA.